Sweet Adelines International
Our International Organization
North by Northwest Region #13
Our Region - choruses from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington
Young Singers Foundation
The official charity of Sweet Adelines International. The Young Singers Foundation offers scholarships for vocal music students and grants for Young Women in Harmony and community vocal music activities.
The Lake City Harmonizers
Men’s barbershop chorus in Coeur d’Alene
Spirit of Spokane Chorus
Women’s barbershop chorus from Spokane, Washington
RiversEdge Chorus
Women’s barbershop chorus from Spokane, Washington
Pages of Harmony Chorus
Men's barbershop chorus from Spokane, Washington
Barbershop Harmony Society
Men’s International barbershop organization
Coeur d’Alene Arts and Culture Alliance
CDA Chorus is a member of this organization to promote the arts in Coeur d’Alene
Northwest Sacred Music Chorale
Traditional choir from Coeur d’Alene
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